Friday, June 20, 2008

This Week In Ch33v0z, The Commando Timeshift Farewell To Bully Edition

The week has been fast(and furious). I've accomplished a couple of goals that I had my sites on, and I'm ready for more teh ch33v0z! I finished all I want to do for Bully, and It's sitting in the mailbox as I type this. So that means, a new game will be on it's way shortly! I also purchased a new arcade game, that will satisfy my hardcore needs. Now down to the business at hand, this week in ch33v0z!

Wolf Of The Battlefield: Commando 3

Reckless Driver-You killed 40 enemies while in a vehicle-20G

Freedom-You freed 25 POWs-25G

Hero-You achieved the 24X score multiplier-10G

Brasso-You achieved the 12X score multiplier-10G

One Man Army-You killed 200 enemies-7G

Teh w00t! New game in da house! That's right folks, I bought WOTB: Commando 3! If you like old school arcade shooters, or if you have fond memories of the Commando or Merc games, then you'll want to pick this one up. It's got 3 player co-op over live, cool graphics and weapons. Warning: This game is hardcore, and is not for the casual player(bitch-pussy).

The cheevz have been relatively sweet, expect for the fact that the game is excruciatingly difficult. I also have been unable to grab the co-op ch33v0z because all my friends are punk bitches.

Reckless Driver, Freedom, and One Man Army will unlock on your first play through and won't take long. I will note that One Man Army is worth 7 points... which is FUCKING annoying, but I digress... for that is a topic for a post all it's own.

Hero and Brasso can be obtained in the first level also. You must kill enemies without taking damage to increase your multiplier. If you make it to the part of the level with the drivable vehicle, you can get both easily. While in the vehicle, you are invulnerable to personal damage, so just keep driving in circles and running everyone down. BOOYAH! teh ch33v0 unlocked.

Bully Scholarship Edition

DUAL NEBULA-Achieve A High Score on Consumo, Nut Shots, and Monkey Fling Arcade Games-20G

SHARP DRESSED MAN-Collect 250 clothing items-25G

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED-Complete All Missions-75G

Well kids, our journey will Bully: SE has finally ended. It was a good time, and the cheevos were oh so sweet, but this bitch is tapped. I finally got my MISSION ACCOMPLISHED cheevo and I will picked up a couple of others... leaving only ONE cheevo in between me and a gamerscore of 1000! Unfortunately I don't have the time or the patience to 100% the game(at this point in my life), so I bid you a fond farewell PERFECTIONIST cheevo, but we will meet again... oh yes we will.
DUAL NEBULA requires you to get THE top score on each arcade game listed. The wording of the cheev is misleading because it asks you to get A high score, not THE high score. Anyway, all three can be found in the prize tent at the carnival. This one requires more patience and time than skill. Good luck.

SHARP DRESSED MAN is an exercise in boredom. You'll need lots of cash, and time. Just go to each store and buy EVERYTHING. Wait until the end of the game, when you have the most money. The interface for purchasing clothing is slow and bulky, and I hate it.


Alpha District - Casual-Completed Act 1 "Alpha District" on Casual difficulty-10G

Alpha District - Skilled-Completed Act 1 "Alpha District" on Skilled difficulty-15G

Alpha District - Elite-Completed Act 1 "Alpha District" on Elite difficulty-20G

Get It Off Me!-Yanked off a stuck Clutch Grenade using Time Powers-5G

Disarmed!-Shot 5 weapons out of enemy hands-15G

TimeShift, not a bad game! It feels and looks like Half Life 2, but with time control abilities. The game play is reminiscent of Killzone, so take from that what you will. All in all, it's pretty good and the Elite difficulty is much harder than I imagined.

The Alpha District Cheevos are stackable, meaning that if you complete the highest difficulty level, you'll unlock the other two!

Disarmed! actually happened by accident, as it probably does for most people. If you are actually going to try for it, all you have to do is aim for center mass(or the weapon if you can see it) and it will go flying out of the enemies hands.

Get It Off Me! is easy as pie, and that's probably why it's only worth 5 points. Wait for an enemy to toss a clutch grenade (sticky grenade) on to you, and hit the reverse time button. It's pretty automatic, so once you hit it the cheev unlocks.

That's it people. We say goodbye to a great game, that gave me a fantastic amount of cheevz... and we say hello to a new arcade game and a brand new harvest. Seasons turn, circle of life, changes... it's beautiful in it's way. I'm tearing up now, so I'm going to let you go... cheev on.


CyanideChrist33 said...

wtf is "Timshift"? Just wondering. HAHAHA you love typos. And it shows.


Sir, TimShift is the best game ever created. It's about a man named Tim who can shift himself into the future. I thank you not to question me anymore. Good day, sir.