Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ch33v0 Hunt: The Vow Of Completion

The hunt for lost cheevoz continues! For your viewing pleasure, another small excerpt from my list of unharvested games. Some of these games got buried under the avalanche of fantastic games, and others where enjoyed but not harvested for their full potential. There were other games, that haven't even been played. Some day I will make my way back through them... mark my words, it will be done.

Mirror's Edge- This is a sweet ass game! I love this game, and I've beaten it. Though, I feel I got screwed out of my Test Of Faith cheevo, and I want to milk the rest of the speed run cheevz. This game has NOT been harvested to it's full potential. Be on the lookout for a couple of cheevos coming from this game soon.

Saint's Row- Not only is this one consider a "classic" by many gamers, it's also supposed to be really violent. That combination is gold in my world... gold. Yet I couldn't get into this game, and manged to unlock 2 cheevos. Pathetic right? Well fuck you for judging me! You don't know me!

Command And Conquer 3- I've always loved real time strategy(RTS) games! Of course, I've only played them on a computer and on the PS one. I have fond memories of playing Command And Conquer: Red Alert on my old PlayStation. So I expected to LOVE this game... yet, once I was in the game... there was no snap, no crackle and definitely no pop. Then again, who needs all that when you've got sweet cheevoz callin' ?

Spiderman 3- Well, what can I say? Swinging around NYC on a web is tons of fun, but the combat... total rubbish. You see what happened there? I used the word "rubbish", that's how much rubbish is in this game. GOD DAMN IT, I'm not even British!

Perfect Dark Zero- Yeah, it's older than shit... but that make this even worse. You see... I haven't even unlocked ONE SINGLE CHEEVO from this game. To be honest, it's a horrible game... just horrible. Anyone want to boost multiplayer cheevos?

Yet another short list of games that I own, which I haven't played enough of... or at all. Yes, it's sad and pathetic, but so is your mom. Keep your eyes peeled, I may play one of these games and unlock some sweet ass cheevs... or maybe not.

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